Synopsis: |
This 6th volume in the T.E. Lawrence LETTERS series (in effect a double volume, to keep all these letters together) contains his known correspondence with 15 contemporary writers: Maurice Baring, Laurence Binyon, Edmund Blunden, John Brophy, Noel Coward, C. Day Lewis, C.M. Doughty, Harley Granville Barker, James Hanley, Frederic Manning, Herbert Read, Siegfried Sassoon, H.M. Tomlinson, H.G. Wells and W.B. Yeats. Where appropriate, relevant collateral material such as passages from other correspondence, book reviews and reminiscences of Lawrence are also included. This is one of ten volumes containing T.E. Lawrence's correspondence with writers, being part of the scholarly fine-press edition of Lawrence's writings edited by Jeremy and Nicole Wilson. Initially printed for subscribers, the unsubscribed copies were released for general sale in June 2014. This full-cloth binding is intended for libraries. The volume is also available in a quarter-cloth series binding by The Fine Book Bindery, ISBN 9781873141724. |