Synopsis: |
The year is 1961, and the country is on the brink of a cultural revolution, later to become known as 'The Swinging Sixties'. The city is Liverpool, which at that time was a bustling vibrant city, with a very strong local music scene. The Beat Groups, who were to be known as the Merseysound, were only known locally, as was the famous Cavern club. The Beatles were part of this scene and yet to take the world by storm. This humorous novel follows a year in the life of a 16/17 year old young man, who is studying 'A' levels at school, is a brilliant footballer with ambitions to play for Everton, and is also a singer in a rock group about to make a record. His story is told subjectively in the manner of an autobiography. On the brink of manhood, he faces three paths of where his life is going to take him: Education, Pop music or football. Which will he choose? Filled with all the humour and nostalgic charm of Pops, How Come Everton Won the League in '87?, Everton or What? is a delightful trip down memory lane to be enjoyed by both younger and older audiences alike. |