Synopsis: |
This is a compilation of 128 "ergonomic solutions" which identify simple and inexpensive solutions to ergonomic problems in a variety of workplace and local situations. The checkpoints which can be used to check working conditions of workplace plans, cover storage and handling, hand tools, machine safety, workstation design, lighting, premises, hazardous substances, welfare facilities and work organization. Each checkpoint is illustrated, and a complete ergonomic checklist is included. Users of the manual should learn various simple solutions that are applicable even in small workplaces. The manual includes a complete list of all checkpoints to enable users to carry out surveys with ease. The checkpoints provide guidance based on a number of underlying principles: immediate solutions need to be developed with the active involvement of employers and workers; group work is advantageous for planning and implementing practical improvements; the use of available local material and expertise has many benefits; multifaceted action should ensure that improvements are sustained over time; and continuing action programmes are needed to create improvements.Field tests of ergonomic checkpoints have demonstrated that it can be used effectively by safety and health personnel, engineers, designers, workers, employers, supervisors and educators, to evaluate and improve existing working conditions and to design workplaces. |