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Package Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts, 2nd Edition and Exercising Essential Statistics, 2nd Edition together for additional savings! Interested in reading an excerpt of Essential Statistics? Click here! Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts, 2nd EditionWith clear and straightforward instruction, a companion workbook, and an unbeatable price, Essential Statistics affords maximum flexibility for students and instructors. Brief chapters hone in on core concepts and tools, allowing students to start working with data on the computer from the very start. Learning objectives and key term lists frame chapters while a wealth of graphics&BAD:mdash;tables, figures, and boxes&BAD:mdash;visually help explain statistical techniques and enhance skill acquisition.In answering to helpful feedback from adopters, this second edition touts important improvements:A simplified organization&BAD:mdash;moving from 8 to 16 chapters&BAD:mdash;separates out statistical techniques making it easier for instructors to assign text materials throughout a semester and for students to master one skill at a time.Added examples and detail&BAD:mdash;from scenarios public managers and policy analysts are likely to encounter on the job&BAD:mdash;offer application of each technique in practice. Further explanation of research methods, now more than four chapters, offers students a great refresher or lays needed groundwork. New &BAD:ldquo;getting started&BAD:rdquo; boxes prompt students to ask themselves questions along the way that promote application and reinforce basic skills.Expanded coverage of crosstabs, logistic regression, and time series analysis, as well as reference to important new scholarship and enhanced discussion of research ethics and data sources. Find out more about Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts, 2nd Edition. Exercising Essential Statistics, 2nd EditionThe key to success&BAD:hellip;practice, practice, practice.Mirroring chapters in the text, this companion workbook offers students the opportunity to put their new skills to work. With critical thinking questions, data-based exercises, helpful tips on data presentation, and suggested reading lists, this handy workbook continues instruction from the text and gets students comfortable using and applying each technique. The workbook also includes a helpful software guide&BAD:mdash;How to Use SPSS&BAD:mdash;to capitalize on the value of computers in methods courses. Freeing students from time-consuming calculations, SPSS allows for quick results interpretation and data validation.The workbook&BAD:rsquo;s CD-ROM includes seven data sets that cover a range of measures and applications from citizen and employee survey data and community indicators, to time series data of juvenile crimes, to an assessment of watersheds developed by the EPA, to regression analysis of pollution, productivity improvement, and crime. The data sets are available in a range of formats&BAD:mdash;SPSS, SAS, SYSTAT, and STATA&BAD:mdash;for maximum flexibility. Find out more about the Exercising Essential Statistics, 2nd Edition. |