Synopsis: |
This book offers provocative and thorough coverage of the complex issues of management in the public sector, from both employee and managerial viewpoints. It discusses the issues, explains how they arise, and suggests what can be done about them. It continues to offer paradoxical perspectives about the inherent challenges as well as the unique political and legal context of the public sector management within which they take place. The book covers all of the stages of the employment process, including recruitment, selection, training, legal rights and responsibilities, compensation, and appraisal. Grounded in real public service experiences, the book emphasizes hands-on skill building and problem solving.New to the Fourth Edition - Includes new or enhanced sections on many key issues, including employee selection, social media and recruitment, position management and cutting back, motivation, the "Great Pay Debate," training, and public service as a calling - Divides the labour-management chapter into two chapters, in order to include expanded treatment on union viability, employee benefits and pensions, healthcare reform, and negotiation skills - Offers additional skill-building exercises to help students practice and apply the material - Includes greater international coverage, with new sections on Turkey and Pakistan. |