Synopsis: |
In 1852, after starting the Review and Herald magazine in 1849, James White began publishing The Youth's Instructor for the benefit of Christian youth. The editor wrote in the first issue, "We design that the Instructor shall be filled with sensible matter, not only for the benefit of small children, but for the instruction of the youth from 16 to 20 years of age." What started out as a monthly, in 1879 became a weekly magazine and was published continuously until April, 1970. Ellen White contributed an article to the very first issue of The Youth's Instructor and during her lifetime contributed nearly 500. The vast majority of them were especially written for the younger audience of the Instructor. They were designed by Inspiration to make a significant contribution in the preparation of God's youth for Christ's soon return. It is the desire of the present publisher that that purpose will indeed be achieved in those who read these messages in this late hour. |