Synopsis: |
Spalding and Magan's Unpublished Manuscript Testimonies of Ellen G. White is an invaluable collection of Spirit of Prophecy counsels given originally to a number of our pioneers. Also included are related letters from W. W. Prescott, W. C. White, James White, Uriah Smith, C. C. Crisler, Edson White, and Dr. David Paulson. There are over 170 manuscripts and letters. As time has been prolonged these materials are becoming recognized as of great importance to every member. These inspired and inspiring counsels have been distributed on a private publication basis since 1915-1916. The term "Unpublished" in its title was in reference to it not being published until 1990 by the Church organization. This present version is a complete and unabridged edition of the original 1915-1916 "Unpublished" compilation by A. W. Spalding and P. T. Magan. The material from all of the above named original contributors is included and not just the Ellen White material as on the White Estate CD. |