Synopsis: |
From about 1890 to 1910, there were some 230 articles of Ellen G. White published in two groups of tracts/pamphlets which became known as Ellen G. White Special Testimonies Series: A and B. These counsels from the Lord were directed to various levels of leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church concerning the tumultuous church events of those years-the 1888 Righteousness by Faith crisis; 1901 Church reorganization, General Conference move to Washington, D. C.; fiery judgments of health and publishing institutions at Battle Creek; loss of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and Battle Creek Sanitarium to apostasy; establishment of Loma Linda as an educational center; and establishment of multiple other sanitariums and schools. In addition to the important history covered by these 31 tracts, there is much spiritual and confidence inspiring counsel confirming that indeed God is in charge of His work. Regardless of difficulties, and discouraging appearances, He will lead His work to a successful completion. |