Synopsis: |
This is the second of three volumes describing the Australian Proteaceae. Volumes 17A and 17B together complete the treatment of the subfamily Grevillioideae, with over 640 species in tribe Grevilleae (Grevillea, Hakea) and tribe Banksieae (Banksia, Dryandra, Musgravea and Austromuellera). This part describes the 447 taxa of Grevillea.Grevillea and Banksia, in particular, are conspicuous components of the Australian flora, and important in the horticultural and cut flower trades. In habit, they range from rainforest trees to prostrate shrubs. Dryandra is endemic to south-western Western Australia, while Grevillea, Hakea and Banksia are widespread, especially in the southern states. Musgravea and Austromuellera are confined to rainforests in Queensland. |